Christmas Never Ends
I have written of “Corporate Salvation for Humankind,” meaning many to join together as one in uplifting those of the least of us, to give hope and opportunity to the poor, deprived, destitute, hungry, starving, and in fact to save peoples of the world who are in perilous circumstances such as genocide and other self-helpless circumstances. "Corporate Salvation” of course is differentiated from the great mystery of God’s Salvation as one may define it to attain eternal life in God’s Kingdom.
As Christians, we know the scriptures our church founders used for our unmerited entry to God’s Salvation. We can’t earn it; only by grace, washed in the blood of Jesus, believe, confess, and be reborn, and that no works we ever do in the “Corporate Salvation for Humanity” can SAVE us. Conversely, the Bible verses in Matthew 25, harsh quotes attributable to Jesus, require the yoke of works for eternal life --- or as it may be our inaction to everlasting punishment. Could these have been the words that inspired James’s (2:17) “faith without works is dead?”
Christ summons us to a daily Christian life where “Christmas Never Ends.” The things that we do for “those of the least of us,” in the words of Jesus, are synonymous with God’s Kingdom. Giving and serving for many is usually centered around Christmas Season, for that’s when we see red kettles, hear the chime of bells that bring cheerful givers. It’s a time when our hearts and minds are more attuned to the spirit of giving.
The things we do for mankind are the things we do for Jesus: Charitable organizations such as The Salvation Army, Stop Hunger Now, a natural disaster relief organization such as UMCOR and others are exemplars that “Christmas Never Ends” (Coined by Howard Truman, Poet & Philosopher). We will do well in God’s Kingdom to serve and support those organizations throughout the year that everyday exemplify “Corporate Salvation.” Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Christmas Never Ends
When the song of angles is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among brothers,
To make music in the heart.
Howard Truman
Poet & Philosopher
I have written of “Corporate Salvation for Humankind,” meaning many to join together as one in uplifting those of the least of us, to give hope and opportunity to the poor, deprived, destitute, hungry, starving, and in fact to save peoples of the world who are in perilous circumstances such as genocide and other self-helpless circumstances. "Corporate Salvation” of course is differentiated from the great mystery of God’s Salvation as one may define it to attain eternal life in God’s Kingdom.
As Christians, we know the scriptures our church founders used for our unmerited entry to God’s Salvation. We can’t earn it; only by grace, washed in the blood of Jesus, believe, confess, and be reborn, and that no works we ever do in the “Corporate Salvation for Humanity” can SAVE us. Conversely, the Bible verses in Matthew 25, harsh quotes attributable to Jesus, require the yoke of works for eternal life --- or as it may be our inaction to everlasting punishment. Could these have been the words that inspired James’s (2:17) “faith without works is dead?”
Christ summons us to a daily Christian life where “Christmas Never Ends.” The things that we do for “those of the least of us,” in the words of Jesus, are synonymous with God’s Kingdom. Giving and serving for many is usually centered around Christmas Season, for that’s when we see red kettles, hear the chime of bells that bring cheerful givers. It’s a time when our hearts and minds are more attuned to the spirit of giving.
The things we do for mankind are the things we do for Jesus: Charitable organizations such as The Salvation Army, Stop Hunger Now, a natural disaster relief organization such as UMCOR and others are exemplars that “Christmas Never Ends” (Coined by Howard Truman, Poet & Philosopher). We will do well in God’s Kingdom to serve and support those organizations throughout the year that everyday exemplify “Corporate Salvation.” Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Christmas Never Ends
When the song of angles is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among brothers,
To make music in the heart.
Howard Truman
Poet & Philosopher