Wednesday, January 04, 2006

You Can Help!

You Can Help!
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Everyone can help the Katrina victims. If you have a church, synagogue, mosque or other entity connection you probably have an avenue to help. Otherwise, I suggest some of the following ways to provide relief:

United Methodist Church On Relief (UMCOR):

  • The Local UMC as described below under “Response Needed”

  • Flood Buckets will be a crucial need – for any group willing to assembly these arrangements will be made to deliver them to needed service point.

  • Health Kits – same as for flood buckets

  • Volunteer teams are needed to go to the MERCI Center and put together flood buckets for which we already have the materials.  If you can do this, please call MERCI Center at 1-888-440-9167 to coordinate this effort. (To participate with Centenary UMC members contact 934-2333 or 934-2137 to find out how and when to participate with a group from our church.)
2. Contributions may be made directly through UMCOR at (or make your contribution at local church designated to Katrina Hurricane Relief)

  • Further information will be forthcoming.

  • Contact Cornell Cox at 934-2137 or by e-mail at for additional information.

The Salvation Army:

Response Needed Following Katrina Destruction
Hurricane Katrina has rendered a devastating impact on Florida and the Gulf Coast region.  Over the next weeks and months, there will be a great need for a massive response to assist our brothers and sisters who have been so deeply wounded by the disaster.  
Of the three items we know will be needed, the first two should have an immediate response.  1) Relief funds, 2) Flood buckets, and 3) Volunteers.  Please share these needs with your congregations:
A) There is an immediate need for relief funds. Please give generously to UMCOR's Hurricanes 2005 Global, Advance #982523. Your tax-deductible gift may be placed in United Methodist church offering plates or sent directly to: UMCOR, PO Box 9068, New York, NY 10087-9068. Checks should be written to UMCOR. You can also donate online (follow this link) or make a credit card donation by calling 1-800-554-8583.
B) Funds are needed to transport and complete the flood bucket/cleaning kits prepared in our conference.  Please give to this NC Conference Advance # S-00213 – MERCI Flood Buckets.  100% of your gift will go toward this endeavor.  This gift can be made by placing a check in your local church offering plate or by sending the funds directly to:   NC Conference/Raleigh Area, PO Box 60053, Charlotte, NC  28260.  Designate your church, district, and NC Conference Advance # S-00213 – MERCI Flood Buckets on your check. Donations can also be given on-line to the MERCI Center at:  This gift gives our MERCI Center the ability to respond in times of disaster. 
We are beginning a collection at the MERCI Center in Goldsboro for an immediate need of Flood bucket/cleaning kits.  It is very important that you follow the exact parameters of the list (see below or go to the following link for details:
A) Volunteer teams are needed to go to the MERCI Center and put together flood buckets for which we already have the materials.  If you can do this, please call MERCI Center at 1-888-440-9167 to coordinate this effort. 
B) If you have attended our Conference emergency early response training, please contact Jennifer Hulse and let her know when and if you are available to respond.  or 910-330-2035
---- The next Early Response Training will be on September 10, at MERCI.  You MUST have this training to be considered for early and emergency response.  If you would like to attend, please call MERCI at 888-440-9167.
C) Over the next few weeks and months, as we enter the recovery phase, we will need UMVIM work teams.  If you are interested in being a member of such a team, leading a team, or taking a team from your local congregation, please contact the MERCI Center at 888-440-9167.  We will be coordinating with the UMVIM directors of the impacted conferences so we can employ our teams in the most useful manner.  
---- Volunteers should not go independently into a devastated area.  Going into an area where your service has not been requested or knowing the needs and capacity of the community can cause additional stress on the area.
It is very important that you follow the exact parameters of the list. 
UMCOR Cleaning Kit (Flood Bucket)
5-gal. bucket with resealable lid
Bleach—two 1-quart or one 82-oz. bottle (do not include bleach if you are shipping the bucket through the US postal service, UPS, or FedEx)
Liquid laundry detergent – two 25 oz. or one 50 oz. bottle
1 Household cleaner – 12-16 oz. bottle
Disinfectant dish soap - 16-28 oz. bottle
Insect repellant spray – 6-14 oz. can
Air freshener – 8 or 9 oz.
50 clothes pins
Clothesline – two 50 ft. or one 100 ft.
5 scouring pads
1 scrub brush
7 sponges – assorted sizes
18 cleaning towels (reusable wipes)
Dust masks – one 5-pk.
2 pair latex or non-latex kitchen gloves 
1 pair work gloves
24-bag roll of heavy-duty trash bags (33-45 gallon)
Please purchase all liquids in plastic bottles and place upright at the bottom of bucket.  Place remaining items in the plastic bucket and seal lid. (Be sure all materials are new & unopened.) 

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