Morality born of Leadership
It is refreshing to hear President Bush is now willing to meet with Kofi Annan in a spirit of unity to deal with genocide. After three (3) long years of a tumultuous Darfur region in Sudan, perhaps all the admonishments and suggestion of writers like Nicholas Kristof of NY Times, the study and recommendations of Eric Reeves (referred to in July 30th, 2005 in CA: Crash-course on Darfur Region Genocide http://criticalactions-what-isyour-opinion.blogspot.com/2006/01/crash-course-on-darfur-region-genocide.html), and others speaking out, has brought our president to heed the ‘moral authority’ call. Bravo President Bush!
Three excellent articles in different papers today covered the president’s comments as he spoke from Tampa FL yesterday:
Washington Times: President Bush yesterday called for doubling the number of peacekeeping troops in Sudan’s troubled Darfur region and said NATO’s involvement would probably be required. “I’m in the process now of working with a variety of folks to encourage there to be more troops, probably under the United Nations,” said Mr. Bush, who discussed the peacekeeping efforts with U. N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Monday. “But it’s going to require a – I think – a NATO stewardship, planning, facilitating, organizing, probably double the number of peacekeepers that are there now, in order to start bringing some sense of security.” http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20060217-112524-7893r.htm
Washington Post: "I'm in the process now of working with a variety of folks to encourage there to be more troops, probably under the United Nations," Bush said in Tampa in a question-and-answer session after he made a speech on terrorism. The announcement caught senior White House aides by surprise because details of the new policy have not been finalized. Still, a top White House official said the Bush statement is part of a significant shift that will drive Darfur policy in the months ahead. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/02/17/AR2006021701935.html?referrer=email&referrer=email
New York Times: "Our country was the first country to call what was taking place a genocide, which matters," he said in front of the audience of about 400 people, who appeared overwhelmingly supportive of Mr. Bush. "Words matter." http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/18/politics/18prexy.html?th&emc=th
Words do matter, but more importantly as in the old wise saying, “Action speaks louder than words.” Let morality be born out of an unrelenting leadership to cease this barbaric genocide.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, Bush 43 appeals to Kofi Annan - leader of one of the most corrupt organizations on this planet- for support against tyranny! What kind of joke is this? The people of the Dalfur region need action from an entity with the power- the WILLPOWER- to take action.
That willpower does not exist in Europe; not in Russia; not in Asia; not in South America; not in Canada; not on the continent of Africa and ceratainly not in the damned U.N.! The kind of power and will to use it only resides in the one nation that has a people that still value a measure of freedom-- THE U.S.A.
If only the bells would be rung and the word given. Jeff Stern NC