This blog post is one I have, until now, refrained from writing. But now, with the ongoing political paranoia – the scurrilous, smear and fear emails – circulating the Internet, I feel it a moral responsibility to speak up. I’m not a virulent political partisan, and I usually go out of the way not to be construed as such. Probably like most people, my family, friends, and associates, for whom I have much respect, reflect the broad political spectrum. I am a Democrat who has voted for a Republican President and other Republican candidates. But regardless of one’s party affiliation and candidate preference, we who use the Internet have an opportunity and responsibility to exercise a higher level of integrity when it come to politics. Email accusations against candidates can be verified true, false or unproven. If it does not pass the “legitimacy” or “truth test” it’s our responsibility to censure them. (I check them out at TruthorFiction, Urban Legends, or other site. If found bogus, which is most always is the case, I usually give a response. Of course there are some new ones circulating that have not yet been scrutinized by the truth-verifiers.) To do less we are complicit to perpetuate a fraud. There are people who believe every word (if it’s on the Internet it’s got to be true) in these defamatory emails, and, of course, that’s the schemed purpose. But also troubling, it’s offensive to even a minimally informed person’s decency, fairness, goodwill, and intelligence to make a rightfully informed decision.
The most recent email of political orientation (Which I’ve received a number of times recently but it had not yet been posted by the truth-verifiers on my last check.) is mild in it’s deceptive, liable content compared to most circulating the Internet. In any case, I have chosen it as an example because it uses faith and evangelicalism for its supposed credibility. I respond in the most respectful, civil way I know. I’ll offer some of my political, and otherwise, thoughts. As always, your comments are welcome, and I’m always delighted to hear from anyone of about 400 who receive Critical Actions. That’s what it’s about, as referenced in my blog heading. At any place I refer to “this email” it’s with reference to the titled “Obama, By Bill Brown on Billy Graham Team” reprinted at the bottom of my response which begin the next paragraph.
I have never looked for a “Rock Star,” don’t particularly like rock, and I’m not ecstatic or euphoric. I don’t consider myself riding a tidal wave, if in fact there is one. I do, however, want a president, not so politically skewed or politically beholding, per se neo conservatives, the ones who led us into this worldly mess which McCain has to cower to. I want someone with a high level of intelligence, a listener, a good communicator, a balance of idealism and realism, who can discern issues and help make policies to best serve our country, not only domestically but also globally. Frank Rich wrote in yesterday’s Times: How Obama Became Acting President: “He never would have been treated as a president-in-waiting by heads of state or network talking heads if all he offered were charisma, slick rhetoric and stunning visuals.” Obama has got so far ahead of the leaders; the leaders are now taking his lead, almost literally; i.e. President Bush sending an envoy to Iran and talking of a time table, ‘horizon,’ Iraq withdrawal. If it weren’t so serious, it would be comical. It doesn’t take such a politically astute person to see what’s happening if one is paying attention. Of course nothing in politics is a forgone conclusion. Actually, as an alternative, I could have supported John McCain of 2000, who’s only about 5-months my senior; however, it is the neo conservatives, in large part, that has remade the McCain of 2000 into a candidate who McCain himself will find it difficult to vote for in 2008.
This email is an apparent clever political “fear and smear” campaign; certainly it’s not “Fair and Balanced” as Fox would say. Where is Brown’s credibility: that is the reprint from what reputable publication? It’s without an address to reply to the “supposedly” originating author. It’s a concocted guise of credibility linked to the Grahams, “a member of the Billy Graham Team.” It is an offense to the legacy of Billy Graham who has served Christian Evangelism in our nation, and the world, honorably. In an article covering the George H. W. Bush’s Family honoring the Grahams, God, the Bushes and Billy Graham: “For six decades—since Eisenhower, really—Graham has been what Bush called “the nation’s pastor,” a seemingly ubiquitous figure at the highest levels. From pressing Ike to enter the 1952 presidential campaign to golfing with Kennedy to helping save George W. from a life of drift and drink, Graham has managed, with only a few missteps, to be more unifying than divisive as a Christian evangelist in the public square, which is no small feat in a country founded on religious freedom and wary of sectarian religious allusions.” I concur! However, Billy Graham did not endorse George W. Bush. Since Billy and Franklin met with both candidates of recent weeks, neither has endorsed or condemned either candidate. Perhaps Franklin has seen the peril of political ties to this presidency and party, which is something the evangelical James Dobson, of Family Focus, has not yet learned. To learn more about the growing tide of young evangelicals who are redefining “evangelical” (evangelicals who no longer are just single-issue voters) by expanding the political focus on those Bible "red letter" words Jesus spoke, read The Great Awakening by Jim Wallis or Red Letter Christians by Tony Campolo. Good Republicans should also read America: Our Next Chapter by Chuck Hagel, a Republican Senator, who traveled abroad with Obama. As a good Democrat (in my case a Blue-Dog Democrat who’s first tenet is fiscal responsibility), I read it and learned how a truly principled-conservative Republican understands the perilous times our country is facing. Hagel is willing to take the scourge from his political party, courageously exhibiting a patriotism possibly exceeding his service in the Vietnam War.
The laundry list in this email is too many to answer individually here. Some of its content is a little condescending, exaggerations, half-truths, lies, some legitimate issues without explanation (pros or cons), and even some issues that both candidates support, and some not in themselves necessarily a negative thing. Actually some of these are very critical issues, of course, needing serious debate to process a much-needed policy. But the attempted muddling of the issues is a betrayal of the faith by which it seeks justification. Basically it’s a “fear-mongering tactic.” Yet, as I said, it is mild compared to most circulating the Internet.
For the enlightenment of those that seek “truth,” and to gain a better understanding of how our country has evolved to this point, I offer the following:
Here are two articles, Billing The Grandkids (This relates to A Looming Terror I wrote on Critical Actions in Feb. 2008) and Mr. Right? Each of these refers to Supply-Side Economics. Bruce Bartlett is a Supply-sider and conservative Republican, the author of Mr. Right. He tells of the disaffection of the conservatives with this administration and Republican’s leadership disappointments, resulting in attracting many Republican Obamacons. These issues probably also have something to do with some of the more moderate Republicans supporting Obama, such as Susan Eisenhower (granddaughter of President Dwight Eisenhower), Republican Senator Lincoln Chaffee, and Julie Nixon Eisenhower (daughter of President Richard Nixon). These people are senior citizens and not young people riding a tidal wave; they are intelligent and understand the gravity of our country’s situation. Read We Should Still Like Ike: In my opinion, truly the last great Republican President, under which the national debt has not exponentially increased, except during the Nixon-Ford tenure. What was really interesting, recently when Larry King interviewed Laura and Jenna Bush, he asked Laura if she supported McCain. “Yes,” she answered. He then asked Jenna. She answered with a silent smile, noncommittal. I read later: the black minister (of a large United Methodist Church in Texas.) who married Jenna and Henry had been a George Bush supporter, but is now a strong supporter of Obama.
Policy positions are important. And, hopefully, no one person can totally agree with the whole positions of either candidate. In fact, I have some concern about the Faith-Base Initiative. David Kuo, a one-time executive on Bush’s White House staff, directed the program. In his book, Tempting Faith, he gave under-funding as part of his disillusionment with the program and the primary reason for his resignation. I questioned the Faith Base Initiative when Bush implemented it, and I am still concerned that Obama’s proposal is not a good thing. (Franklin Graham, his Faith Based Program, will certainly want to be in line.) I think that Obama’s offering Faith Base does not signify a very strong separation of church and state, for which I am a strong advocate. And “separation” doesn’t mean I, or you, should not carry our faith values into the public square. Read Founders, Religion and State, in which I refer to Jon Meacham’s book, American Gospel.
An honest debate, not dumbing it down, demonstrating respect for each other, is a first step to neutralize polarization of the electorate. It is the huge number of bogus, maligning, smear and fear political emails, circulating since before the 2000 election that has been one of the serious degradation to the political process. I am somewhat curious in that I have only received maligning emails against Democrats. Even though I haven’t received a single one maligning a Republican candidate, I know they are out there because the truth-verifiers show some debunked. However, according to the websites the great majority disparages Democrats. If someone would share just one with me, I’ll just as quickly condemn it.
Perhaps I’m more sensitive than most about this concern, but if we truly are faithful to our Christian principles, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” we’ll think twice before forwarding that next fraudulent, or questionable, email. Could Mahatma Gandhi have been right? “Everybody in the world knows what Jesus taught---except for Christians.” In Rotary International, a service organization neutral in politics and religion (or of equal opportunity), our club closes the meeting with the 4-Way Test of the things we think, say and do: a test of truthfulness, fairness, goodwill, and beneficialness, which I take seriously.
“No one” should agree with the whole of any candidate; however, all should agree to seek the “truth” and be better informed. A solid foundation for the house cannot be built by tearing apart the “matching side foundation.” A “good neighbor” can’t comfortably live beside a “good neighbor” without demonstrating goodwill. We are political neighbors either “building a solid foundation” or “a demolition team,” running the political spectrum.
It's not a matter of being a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or Independent. It’s about character, decency, fairness, goodwill, and respecting the other’s intelligence to rightly and morally make an informed decision. And, yes, we should continue civil discourse and debate while being mindful that none of us are always right.
When we stop “dumbing-down politics,” not only on the Internet but also in the broader campaign, the prospects to enhance character-foundational Houses in the Washington, DC Capitol will exponentially increase, and we’ll be better people in the process.
One seeking the "TRUTH" may go to five different websites:
Fight The Smears
Know The Facts
Urban Legends
Truth or Fiction
Fact Check
Obama, By Bill Brown on Billy Graham Team Bill Brown, is a highly respected retired member of the Billy Graham team So, I take his assessment of Obama very seriously and for that reason accept his challenge to pass this on. I share his concern about the 'rock star' image Obama has and watch with growing concern at the celebrity status the media has foisted upon him. Here is hope this email informs you in a wise way. ________________________________ The Obama Tidal Wave We are witnessing a political phenomenon with Barack Obama of rare magnitude. His speeches have inspired millions and yet most of his followers have no idea of what he stands for except platitudes of 'Change' or that he says he will be a 'Uniter'. The power of speech from a charismatic person truly can be a powerful thing. Certainly Billy Graham had charisma and both his manner of speech and particularly the content changed millions. On the extreme other hand, the charisma of Adolph Hitler inspired millions and the results were catastrophic. Barack Obama certainly is no Hitler or a Billy Graham, but for many Americans out there feeling just like a surfer who might be ecstatic and euphoric while riding a tidal wave, the real story is what happens when it hits shore. Just Some of What Defines Barack Obama: · He voted against banning partial birth abortion. · He voted no on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions. · Supports affirmative action in Colleges and Government. · In 2001 he questioned harsh penalties for drug dealing. · Says he will deal with street level drug dealing as minimum wage affair.. · Admitted marijuana and cocaine use in high school and in college. · His religious convictions are very murky. · He is willing to meet with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jung Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. · Has said that one of his first goals after being elected would be to have a conference with all Muslim nations. · Opposed the Patriot Act. · First bill he signed that was passed was campaign finance reform. · Voted No on prohibiting law suits against gun manufacturers. · Supports universal health-care. · Voted yes on providing habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees. · Supports granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. · Supports extending welfare to illegal immigrants. · Voted yes on comprehensive immigration reform. · Voted yes on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security. · Wants to make the minimum wage a 'living wage'. · Voted with Democratic Party 96 percent of 251 votes. · Is a big believer in the separation of church and state. · Opposed to any efforts to Privatize Social Security and instead supports increasing the amount of tax paid. · He voted No on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax. · He voted No on repealing the 'Death' Tax. · He wants to raise the Capital Gains Tax. · Has repeatedly said the surge in Iraq has not succeeded.... · He is ranked as the most liberal Senator in the Senate today and that takes some doing. If your political choices are consistent with Barack Obama's and you think that his positions will bring America together or make it a better place, then you will probably enjoy the ride and not forward this Email. If you are like most Americans that after examining what he stands for, are truly not in line with his record, it would be prudent to get off the wave or better yet, never get on, before it comes on shore and undermines the very foundations of this great Country. We have limited time to save America or the Supreme Court as we know it.
Inaction is action.
If you agree this is important, pass it on. The mainstream media will not do it for you! Bill Brown MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS . . .
1 comment:
All I would like to see is that Barack Obama release his birth certificate to the U.S. Justice Department and/or the FBI. Mc Cain has shown his, which showed he was born to two natural-born U.S. citizens on a U.S. military base in Panama. Obama's grandmother is on film saying that she attended his birth in Kenya. Currently neither Obama or the DNC have released an authentic copy of his birth certivicate and one has to ask why? Is he in effect an illegal alien or at the very least a naturalized citizen. If he is, he has committed seriouis crimes and risks deportation. We all should say; Show us your birth certificate and put this thing to rest, if you can.
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