Wednesday, September 12, 2012

2016! And what else?

Why was I not aware that seeing the 2016 movie, imperatively, was the "critical action" I needed to be intelligently informed about my most important decision in this election season? Even a local prominent auto dealer, Chris Leith, placed an ad in the News & Observer admonishing people to be informed: If you watch certain cable news, watch the opposite channel's viewpoint, and lastly he said, go see 2016. Be informed America!

Since 2008 I have not been as distracted by a deluge of political e-rumors, 100% from the right. It appears that the new version of dubious, political persuasion is taking on a new dimension, as several enthusiastic promoters of 2016, some of which admit they have not seen the movie, insist on getting out their forthright message. Respectfully, I have no doubt that these politicos are any less serious in their convictions than others.

Dinesh D' Souza who made the movie, has discovered, or attempted to create the suspicion, that the real Obama can't be trusted in leading America. D'Souza's books (I haven't read.), The Roots of Obama's Rage, reportedly, on which the movie is based and his latest, Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream, expose his foil. Mysteriously, among other specious projections for those prone to buy into the obscurity of evil connivance: Obama seeks decline, attempts to downsize America to the shortest-lived super power in world history; Obama's vision for world peace positions America as the real threat, not Iran or North Korea; Obama will use debt as a weapon of mass destruction to downsize America, making Americans second-class citizens in their own country; Obama will work to destroy Israel, one of America's strongest allies, in favor of "The United States of Islam."

In emails I've received promoting 2016, there has been a fundamental parallel-religious facet, something akin to prophesying the demise of our country. If you will, a conspiracy-theorem. Academically, for the theorist, 2016 in its attempted validation, I suppose would rise one level above the "birtherism" claim. Obama, he's just not one of us. We must reclaim our country and get back to America's Christian values. "Turn back to the Lord." "God Who is the Giver and Sustainer of our freedom and of this country, and pray to know His Truth. Pray also that any spirit of deception will be revealed and that we can vote in Nov. knowing that it is a vote of confidence from our own conscience and not from any party's persuasive smooth talk." Not bad evangelical mantras. Right!

Ok, I love my church; I will faithfully apply Jesus' teachings to the degree possible in making the right decisions for America's leadership. Although, that exercise will not be based on Bible prophecy.

For whatever Dinesh D'Souza's motivations, religion, money or sick-partisanship (probably all 3) in his presidential seat at The King's College, NY, he is an unusually controversial figure within conservative circles. This video says a lot: (Verifiable in print.) Bill Kristal's Weekly Standard, the "standard bearer" for conservatives, says the movie is filled with "misstatements of fact," "leaps in logic" and "pointless elaborate argumentation." Conservative David Frum says it's "a brazen outburst of race bating," and the mainstream Columbia Journal Review, "a fact twisting error laden piece of paranoia." (In one of D'Souza's books he wrote, "The cultural left in this country is responsible for causing 9/11 ... the cultural left and its allies in Congress, the media, Hollywood, the non-profit sector and the universities are the primary cause of the volcano of anger toward America that is erupting from the Islamic world." Bizarre!)  

Empty detractions of election seasons leave vacuums for serious debate. A debate on long-range-economic strategy is vital to grow through the Great Recession. To enumerate a few of these essential discussions:  Economic policy reform to enhance middleclass opportunity, by which the economy may flourish again; The Affordable Care Act by which you, your child or grandchild's healthcare is covered, insurance policies can't be canceled or refused on precondition. Where in the past health-cost bankrupted 700,000 US  families annually; it's a bankruptcy does not occur in any other developed country of the world;  Energy reform, green technology whereby solar panel and wind-turbine production and additional oil --- and gas by fracking done safely --- gives revolutionary  technology the upper-hand for energy independence; Education reform, Race to the Top a dramatic expansion of early childhood education, to prepare kids to compete in a global economy; Long-term deficit reduction, cutbacks that depend largely on health reform, smart cuts and efficiency without stalling the economy and, as important in the balance column, how to deal with the Grover Norquist problem. All important to avoiding the "fiscal cliff" and building pillars of prosperity. These, others and maybe some culture issues, await the presidential debates. Also, they should be our debates. Not 2016! Entertainment, maybe, box office proven, but seriously, reality?

Deliberations for what's best for our country are undermined by myth, conspiracy theorist and much other misinformation, for example, such as the ill-conceived emotion of one 2016 promoter: "Anyone knowledgeable of our history and where we are headed now recognizes the progressive, socialist direction of our nation. Even Obama's new slogan, FORWARD, has been the one word slogan of Marxism." (Sure enough from the high-chief-theorist Allen West (R-Fla.).) Some of these fears come from difficultly in understanding a fast changing world, which restrains unilateralism for the U.S. militarily and economically. As Thomas Friedman writes:
"In this increasingly interdependent world, your rivals can threaten you as much by collapsing as by rising. Think of what would happen to U.S. markets and jobs if China’s growth slowed to a crawl and there was internal instability there?
In this increasingly interdependent world, we have few pure “enemies” anymore: Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Al Qaeda, the Taliban. But we have many “frenemies,” or half friends/half foes. While the Pentagon worries about a war with China, the Commerce Department is trying to get China to buy more Boeing planes and every American university worth its salt is opening a campus in Beijing; meanwhile, the Chinese are investing in American companies left and right. President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela is the biggest thorn in America’s side in Latin America and a vital source of our imported oil. The U.S. and Russia are on opposing sides in Syria, but the U.S. supported Russia joining the World Trade Organization and American businesses are lobbying Congress to lift cold war trade restrictions on Russia so they can take advantage of its more open market.
More on the point Friedman writes today: Phillip Brown and Hugh Lauder, in a recent essay on, argued that a big shift of the global labor market is under way, in which “many of the things we thought could only be done in the West can now be done anywhere in the world, not only more cheaply but sometimes better.”
The conservative Fareed Zakaria makes the point of a change in roles the parties project: "Today it is the Republican Party that often seems angry with America.  ................ Reagan was said to be three parts optimism and one part nostalgia. Recently, that formula has been inverted. In 1996, Bob Dole gave an astonishing convention speech that attacked those who believed the U.S. had improved over the past decades. .................... The Tea Partyers love America, but it's an America that is an abstraction or a memory. The nation of today--with its many immigrants, liberated women, increasingly liberated gays, myriad government programs, open trade and a Spanish-language option on every phone menu--seems to scare them."
You may safely bet, and rightly so, more governmental reforms are urgent to keep in step with a changing world. It's essential for the health of our capitalist market. It will be crucial to retooling/reordering American workers in an innovative job-market as we go through the world's third-industrial revolution, Technology Revolution. And we best be well informed.

But that crucial information will not come from the movie 2016. Sorry Chris Leith, D'Souza's intellectual integrity does not rise to a level sufficient to trigger a "critical action" on my part, except to expose it for what it is, a deception of the highest order.

The neoconservative/evangelical connection:
Excerpt: Romney was undoubtedly drawn to this evangelical view of America’s purpose for political reasons. During the primaries, facing voters consumed with fears about America’s moral decline, Romney invoked a full-throated Americanism—witness his embarrassingly corny renditions of “America the Beautiful”—to deflect conservatives’ concern about his commitment to their social agenda. He also needed to silence the worry, particularly prevalent among evangelicals, that his loyalties were not to flag and country, but to Mormon elders in Utah. In the general election, Romney is using his call for an American Century to draw a contrast with President Obama, whom he accuses of apologizing for the United States and acquiescing in its decline. This was the strategy successfully wielded by Ronald Reagan when he blamed Jimmy Carter for fostering “malaise” and promised to restore America’s “place in the sun.”

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