Thursday, October 24, 2013

Cornice Cox to Louise Westbrook, Historical Letter, 1932

Bentonville, N. C.
                                September 12, 1932

Dear Louise,
I am writing to let you know I got an invitation to Mr. And Mrs. Walter Giddings' chicken fry at Mrs. Mary Stevens' home, Wednesday night, September the fourth tenth. Grace, Emma, and Lester are invited and she said to please see that Mary Britt got there. Well I guess if nothing happens to keep me away I will be at your house before very late. The very time we said something about going over there isn't it?
    What have you been doing this morning? I have been picking cotton and guess I will this evening.
    How many time I have thought of you since last night. It seems you are ever on my mind. I really do love you and I can't help it, that is if I wanted too.
    Doesn't it seem really fally today? It is so much cooler than usual that it makes me want to go trampling through the woods with a gun on my shoulder. There are two seasons that I especially like to roam over the woods and study nature. They are Spring and Fall. I, as you know, am a great lover of things pertaining to nature and I enjoy studying them and learning more of them. Do you like nature, flowers, birds and insects? Do you ever walk over the woods in the springtime when the trees are blooming (sending forth numberless quantities of bright colored flowers perfumed with sweet nectar.) The bees are humming busily gathering and storing pollen and honey for the storm days of winter, the birds are building their nest to rear the oncoming flock, did you ever experience these thing? Oh, what a joy it would be to just stroll over the woods and be alone with you in God's great world of nature. How we could plot and plan for the future.
    Well I guess that you will think I have gone crazy, but if that is crazy, I have always been insane.
    Until Wednesday night.


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