Tuesday, May 28, 2024

                          Saving America

Although Memorial Day is primarily a memorialization to those who died in service, it fittingly becomes a memorial for all who served, for most all who served – during a former crucial era of history to save democracy – are now deceased.  I lived that period, so my “indelible memory” springs forth from my ancestry family, and others, who served our country: Brother Zeke, who served in Korea, uncles Henry and Lester who fought in perilous battles (literally beside their dead buddies), and many, many cousins who fought and served in WWII. Their fight – for all of us – was a fight against the aggression of fascism and despots. (No! Mr. Trump, they are not “suckers and losers.”) I fear that history – of only about 79 years ago – is lost to many today who have succumbed to extremist politics and generations who have not been taught history or who have chosen to overlook it. Now is the time for all good people – with any sense of moral, ethical integrity – to stand up and be counted.

How can anyone deny failures in character, pathological-lying – an undermining of civil discourse – and the acknowledgement of Trump’s responsibility for the attempted Jan. 6 insurrection? For me, the perils of these depravities forgo any serious policy debate. 

Good people who are informed by ‘credible media’ can’t creditably deny any of these demagogic transgressions. However, we know there is ‘good’ in every person, and we must appeal to that good, allowing for a dignity to walk out of darkness into the light.

In part, encapsulated in Dana Milbank’s column, herewith (Read and/or listen) are highlighted many of the Trump-rhetoric-amalgamation. 

This is not about normal oppositional-politics. It is about giving credence to false, inflammatory rhetoric carrying us deeper into a precarious place we’ve never been before – perhaps a place of no return. We’re up against a cruel, demented rhetoric that begs a ‘saving grace.’ This is about saving a democracy for our children, descendants, the freedoms “…that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness.” 

And at a time when bankrollers, such as Steve Schwarrtzman, prioritize wealth over the ‘perils of democracy’ – endorsing a demented soul – we are in for a long-haul to save America. 

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