Bringing FAITH to ACTION
December 9, 2005
- “He (Jesus) himself did not regard truth as something we simply ‘uphold’ and ‘maintain’, but as something we choose to live and experience. So that our search, like his search, is primarily a search for orthopraxis (true practice) rather than orthodoxy (true doctrine). Only a true practice of our faith can verify what we believe.” “Jesus can help us understand the voice of Truth but, in the last analysis, it is we who must decide and act.” Albert Nolan: Jesus Before Christianity
Is our FAITH “on the whole a DOCTRINE” or must it be essentially rooted in PRACTICE? Is the practice of Christian mission an incorporation of our belief (doctrine)? At times we may find ourselves sitting on the sidelines, too comfortable in our doctrine of salvation to join in our responsibility (oath) for Christian Missions. The world’s problems, or those close around us, may seem too large and complex, beyond anything that we could ever do to improve the plight of humanity. But as Christians we must try, if our Faith is to be aligned with “the calling of JESUS”. What better time than CHRISTMAS to focus on our Christian mission of witness, serving, and giving. We know what Jesus has already given us --- best we ask now: What is the GIFT Jesus would bring to humankind delivered by us today? As an insight I share with you a message adopted from Centenary United Methodist Church’s December Newsletter. I hope you have a Merry Christmas!
What is Mission?
A mission in Christianity is not only one of witness, but one of service. Rev. Flynn’s sermon of Nov. 13th emphasized seeking out and serving those around and near us, those that are “not too far from here.” In fact his message accentuated as integral to our faith and salvation is our heeding Jesus’ call to serve people in dire need. Jay Locklear’s sermon on Nov. 20th delivered a similar message from which I include part of the selected gospel lesson herein. Below are the lyrics of Michael Crawford’s (renowned performer of Phantom of The Opera) song Not Too Far from Here. These moving words express in part how the virtues of our Christian mission might be fulfilled.
Lest we forget who our neighbor is or who is “not too far from here” be reminded that all inhabitants of this planet are as close as our backdoor in this modern day of technological travel and worldwide seamless, instant communications.
As our dedicated Christian servants put their faith into action (serving others) by word, deed, and gift, remember them in prayer. A Centenary mission work team departs for the Gulf hurricane area on December 5th. Natural disasters and tyrant governments that persecute and governments complicit in atrocities around the world – continue to put people in helpless situations. Jesus calls us to lift humankind.
Cornell Cox, Co-Chair
Your Missions Committee
- Matthew 25: 41 “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels: 42 for I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink; 43 I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’
- 44 “Then they also will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?’ 45 Then He will answer them, saying, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, linasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ 46 And mthese will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
Somebody’s down to their last dime.
Somebody’s running out of time,
Not too far from here.
Somebody’s got no where else to go.
Somebody needs a little hope,
Not too far from here.
And I may not know their name,
But I’m praying just the same
That you’ll use me Lord to wipe away a tear.
Because somebody’s crying not too far from here.
Somebody’s troubled and confused.
Somebody’s got nothing left to lose,
Not too far from here.
Somebody’s forgotten how to trust.
And somebody’s dying for love,
Not too far from here.
It may be a stranger’s face,
But I’m praying for Your grace
To move in me and take away the fear.
Cause somebody’s hurting not too far from here.
Help me Lord not to turn away from pain.
Help me not to rest while those around me weep.
Give me a strength and compassion,
When somebody finds a road of life too steep.
Somebody’s troubled and confused.
Somebody’s got nothing else to lose,
Not too far from here.
Somebody’s forgotten how to trust.
Somebody’s dying for love,
Not too far from here.
Now I’m letting down my guard,
And I‘m opening my heart.
Help me speak Your love to every needful ear.
Someone is waiting, not too far from here, no too far!
Someone is waiting, waiting, not too far from here
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