Hello Friends:
At the risk of overruling my modesty, and even being misunderstood, I want my retired friends and others looking forward to retirement to know there is a life after retirement. You don’t get too old to serve your community, as was exemplified by Max Creech who had the idea and led other enthusiastic Rotary volunteers (retirees mostly) in this most successful thermal-imaging project. Thank you Max, Rotarians, and community donors.
Let’s bring “Service Above Self” to all our communities. Would some of my fellow Rotarians in distant country let me know some of the things you are doing to celebrate Rotary’s centennial?
Update: Subsequent to this writing of Feb. 15,2005, in June 2005 Max Creech received the distinguished "Rotarian of The Century" award for his initation of and being at the forefront of major community service projects for 52 years consecutively in The Smithfield Rotary Club. Max is pictured above receiving the award and his photo of earlier years in Rotary service.
Best wishes,
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